1. Version 14 Baseball Users Upgrading From A Prior Version Please Note:
Do not use any old shortcut icons or icons for the old Legacy Version. Please click on the Start button, then All Programs and find the proper icon for the Version 14 game. It will be a White Baseball icon labeled CD-ROM baseball. Do not use the old blue batter icon any longer, it will cause problems with Version 14. SOM V14 no longer supports the old Legacy Version - it will not work on your computer!!
2. Blogger Update: After your game is finished and you're taken to the box score there are a few options (save, print, close, save as, blog). When you click on 'blog', a small window opens. Make sure you're connected to the internet before proceeding. You're prompted to enter you blogger account ID and password. Note: They should be the same you set up when you created your blogger account to use NASBL's blog, http://nasbl-league.blogspot.com/. In the field to enter your blog's name, enter nasbl-league, and nothing else. It doesn't want the full URL, just the web site prefix, which is the name of the blog. You then can enter a title for your posting and any optional text that will show up above the box score in your post, however both these items are optional. You no longer have to cut/paste from a saved box score text file into the blog as a new post. If you are going to go that way, make sure to use the [CODE] and [\CODE] commands before and after the text you want to appear to ensure proper formatting.
3. Operating Systems: SOM no longer supports older versions of Windows like Win98 and there a few known Vista issues. I don't have Vista but read enough about it in the forums to know issues exist. Hopefully the recent patch will fix some/most of them, but if you have a recurring problem and think it's OS related, email SOM (som1@ix.netcom.com). Their support is responsive and helpful.
If you have other issues/fixes, share with the league and I'm sure you'll find someone who's had the same problem as you and can point you in the right direction.
1 comment:
In my opinion, Strat has done its customers a huge disservice by discontinuing the Legacy version.
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