Saturday, April 15, 2017

Cannibal's Rich Hill Drops MOABB on Skulking Opposition

Cannibal LHP Rich Hill went 18-9 for the Lake Champlain Cannibals back in 2008, then disappeared from competitive baseball for nearly a decade.

Asked what he had been doing for the past 8 years, Hill glanced over his shoulder, then lowered his voice and whispered "MOABB.  I've been working on the MOABB."

But what is a MOABB?

"Mother of All Breaking Balls," said Hill.  "At first I was going to call it the Mother of All Curve Balls, but I could never find the tongue control to pronounce MOACB.  It's the terminal diphthong that gets you.  Very tough to control a diphthong with a centrally located glottal stop."

"But like a rose, a MOACB by another name is just as sweet."

"The MOABB is by far the most effective pitch in my arsenal.  Every other thing I tried failed in one way or another.  Probably the worst was when I tried flinging a filthy slider.  The biggest lesson I learned from that was that pretty much the best result you can get from an uncontrolled filthy slider is E-COLI (Extraneous Collateral Incidents.)  You know, like hitting the Bull."

"Plus gripping a filthy slider too much resulted in this nasty infected blister on my middle finger" said Hill, as he presented the offending digit for a photo-op.

When asked if any other LCC pitchers intended to drop a MOABB in live action, Hill said "Oh, no.  It's a one of a kind."

"But some of the boys are working on their own acronym-stuff."

"For example, Junior Guerra is out there throwing total MOSS (Mother of Slow-ish Splitters.)"

"Roberto Osuna throws SSMOKE (Sexy Soccer Mom of Strikeout Evisceration.)"

"And Pat Neshek is sending hitters a continuous string of EMOJIS (Eccentric Mother of Junky Inbound Slop.)"

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