Saturday, February 22, 2014

NASBL Round 3/4 Draft Order

The round 3/4 draft order for the 2014 NASBL Rookie / FA Draft will be:

1.  DFW
2.  LCC
3.  LVI
4.  ECN
5.  OJW
6.  TRY
7.  SPL
8.  GCG
9.  GRK
10. SPR
11. SBU
12. ILL
13. CCC
14. VFS
15. PCM
16. SHA

DFW, LCC, and SHA earned their spots at the opposite end of the FA Money spectrum primarily by virtue of trades involving FA Money.

OJW was the top article writer with 15 posts in 2013, and the resulting $7,500.00 boosted OJW upward by several slots.

LCC earned its traditional $3,000 award for finishing with the best record for a non-playoff team (again,) while SHA earned $2,000 for finishing with the 2nd best record for a non-playoff team.

3 teams (ILL, SHA, and SBU) earned the $500 bonus for having a road record better than their home record.

ECN earned $100 for having the most All-Stars in the Tastes Great, while 3 teams (TRY, SPL, and SHA) each earned $100 for tying for the most All-Stars in the Less Filling conference.

The most unfortunate winners of the $50 categorical leader awards were Joe Mauer of SPL (most GIDP's with 31), Jonathan Papelbon of GRK (most blown saves with 13) and Bud Norris of SBU (most losses with 26.)  Norris also earned his team an additional boobie prize of $50 for establishing a new league record for losses.

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